Votive image of Saint-Guinefort, dog-patron saint of children (Amuse-Gueules, 2024)

The knight Gawain and Lady Ragnelle (personal project)

Lady Ragnelle is an old crone that Gawain marries in exchange for the answer to the question “What do women want?”. She turns into a beautiful maiden during the night and returns into an old crone at daybreak, until Gawain breaks her curse.

Vanilla, Carrot, Carob (Amuse-Gueules, 2024)

The 9 fairy princesses from “The Ladies of Grace-Adieu” by Susanna Clarke. Flammifera, Lachrima, Caritas, Bellona, Bird-in-The-Hand, Honey-of-The-Wild-Bees, Kiss-Upon-a-True-Love’s-Grave, Lament-From-Across-The-Water and Alba Perfecta

A partridge in a pear tree (12 days of Christmas print series)


The Monkey King steals the peaches from heaven (personal project)

According to Chinese mythology, seven fairies discovered the Monkey King Sun Wukong eating the peaches of immortality in the heavenly orchard.

Garden Party, (Amuse-Gueules, 2024)

2 turtledoves (12 days of Christmas print series)

4 calling birds (12 days of Christmas print series)